
January 31, 2021 Kawasaki-shintei Luxury ingredients.

Kawasaki Shintei 8:00 pm to 4:20 pm.

No.4. 1hits No fish.

Oshitani-kun, Penitarou, Tomoki, Ryuji-kun, Murayama-san, Kurihara-san.

Everyone has no fish!

So sad. And I'm tired.

I ate a lot of delicious food.
Alaskan king crab and domestic Botan shrimp.

It was really delicious!

Thank you, Murayama-san!

I'm satisfied with eating it.
The meat that Tomo-kun brought was also the best! 

Everyone finished with almost no fishing.

I just bent the bamboo and played.
Looks fun.

Let's catch a fish and bent it!

The fish hits only once for the first time after 2:00 pm.

It's a tough time.

Is it hibernating until spring...